Life Changed Forever
The Jenna and Colonta White family was a little like the Brady Bunch. These two single parents met and fell in love. With five kids between them, they worked to raise their newly-blended family together while they planned their wedding. Life seemed hopeful – until the unthinkable happened.
Last year, their 6-yr-old son Preston was hit by a car. After 11 weeks at Children’s Hospital, his life was saved but he was left permanently disabled with severe brain injuries. He’ll never walk or talk again and is fed through a tube. His mom Jenna, a nurse, has had to stay home to care for Preston.
The wedding was postponed until last summer, but because they married, they lost much of their needed support. “We lost food stamps and child support during the month of August,” wrote Jenna, “We renewed our lease and the rent has increased. We can use any help we can get.”